Mastic Melters Introducing our newly designed Air-Jacket Mastic Melter, designed for melting repair mastics & aggr...
A-500 The A-500 is our newest addition, with a 500 Gallon capacity its the biggest Rubberized Asphalt Melt...
A-380 The A-380 features a new design based on customer demand which promotes a safer and more efficient w...
A-210 The A-210 lives up to its' "High Performance" name tag. Stainless steel fire tubes come standard. Un...
A-110 The A-110 is very versatile and can be transported easily in the back of a pick-up; can be hoisted d...
A-60 The A-60 is easily accommodated in commercial elevators, it fits through standard 34" doorways and c...
A-40 The A-40 is a very compact under-fired melter and has the same oil-less design as its larger brother...
A-25 *CLICK IMAGE TO ENLARGE SPECIFICATIONS: A-25 Heat Transfer Oil None Required Capacity (Custom Sizes ...
Electric Melters Our 100% Electric melters come equipped with electric heater elements, electric drive system for the...
Diesel Burners Our Diesel burners will retrofit all of our existing melters as well as our older Rubbermaster Melte...
Hot Pot Junior The Hot Pot Junior will heat or reheat 5 gallons of material which makes them ideal for small repair...
Crack Sealers All of A&A Melters Air-Jacketed Melters are now available with the Crack sealing option. These units...